Watch The Legend of the Kolovrat 2017 watch online in high quality hd Free Full movies

Description (story): The plot of the new action-packed historical film takes its origins from the distant eighteenth century, in those times when the Golden Horde entered the Russian lands and went to war against the numerous villages and towns that they met on the way. The army, like locusts, devastated everything, leaving no one alive. Batu the khan, the extremely cruel and heartless leader who spared no one, was headed by them.

 The Horde invaded the territory of Russia in a not good time for Rus, just then feudal disunity was going on. The petty principalities waged regular internecine wars, which were noticeably exhausted, practically exhausted. As a result of the enemy's offensive, they did not cope with the quantitative advantage and good organization of the Horde. Many were unable to give a proper rebuff. The first hit was the principality of Ryazan, but everything ended in a devastating defeat, the detachment continued to move further, planning to seize everything on its own path. Not knowing defeat, but only gaining innumerable victories, Khan Baty did not expect to meet an opponent who is not afraid of the strength and might of his powerful group of soldiers. You will find out that he was the young Ryazan prince Evpatiy, at the time of the battle he was not in his native land, and when he returned home he saw an ashes that the ruthless enemy had left behind. 

Then the young prince swore that he would avenge these barbarians for his beloved, and also for the destruction of his native home. Kolovrat realizes that he can not go alone to an opponent, therefore he gathers an army of the same desperate brave men as he personally does. Together they are going to break the army of the Horde, though not in the field, as it often happened, but for a completely new military tactic.

 Hiding in one of the cities, they wait until the opponent attacks himself. An advancing enemy can smash them with a huge amount, but the main characters in action are not so stupid, having drawn up an approximate battle plan, they will arrange a bloody battle for the ill-wishers, in spite of the fact that their number is much smaller. I want to note that Russian filmmakers did not stint on the shooting of this movie, having spent 360,000 rubles on the domestic masterpiece, which had a positive effect on the quality of filming, editing, special effects, costumes and other things, as for this movie. 

We offer to watch the movie Legend of Kolovrat (2017) completely in Russian without registration, the need to download the torrent, and on the mobile (cell) phone / tablet. Well, let's start watching?

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30 марта 2018 г. в 08:47


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